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Using render windows


Window package provides a complete system for handling windows and events, an can interface with OpenGL. But what if we don't want to use OpenGL ? SFML provides a package dedicated to 2D graphics, the graphics package.


To work with the graphics package, you have to include the correct header :

#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>

SFML/Window.hpp is no more explicitly requiered, as it is already included by the graphics package.

The rendering window

SFML base window, sf::Window, is enough for getting a window and its events, but has no idea of how to draw something. In fact you won't be able to display anything from the graphics package into a sf::Window. That's why the graphics package provides a window class containing more features and doing more redundant stuff for you : sf::RenderWindow. As sf::RenderWindow inherits from sf::Window, it already contains all its features and acts exactly the same for creation, event handling, etc. All sf::RenderWindow does is adding features for easily displaying graphics.

In fact, a minimal application using graphics package would be exactly the same as if using the window package, except the type of the window :

int main()
    // Create the main rendering window
    sf::RenderWindow App(sf::VideoMode(800, 600, 32), "SFML Graphics");
    // Start game loop
    while (App.IsOpened())
        // Process events
        sf::Event Event;
        while (App.GetEvent(Event))
            // Close window : exit
            if (Event.Type == sf::Event::Closed)

        // Clear the screen (fill it with black color)

        // Display window contents on screen

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

The only difference here is that we've added a call to Clear, so that the screen gets filled with black instead of remaining with random pixels.

If you need to clear the screen with a different color, you can pass it as parameter :

App.Clear(sf::Color(200, 0, 0));

SFML graphics package provides a useful class for manipulating colors : sf::Color. Every color you'll have to handle in SFML will be a sf::Color, you can forget 32-bits integers and float arrays.
sf::Color basically contains four 8-bits components : r (red), g (green), b (blue), and a (alpha -- for transparency) ; their values range from 0 to 255.
sf::Color provides some useful functions, operators and constructors, the one that interests us here is the one that takes the 4 components as parameters (the fourth one, alpha, has a default value of 255). So in the code above, we construct a sf::Color with red component to 200, and green and blue components to 0. So... we obtain a red background for our window.

Note that clearing the window is not actually needed if what you have to draw is going to cover the entire screen; do it only if you have some pixels which would remain undrawn.

Taking screenshots

This is probably not the most important thing, but it's always useful. sf::RenderWindow provides a function to save its contents into an image : Capture. Then you can easily save the image to a file with the SaveToFile function, or do whatever else you want.
So, for example, we can take a screenshot when the user presses the F1 key :

if (Event.Key.Code == sf::Key::F1)
    sf::Image Screen = App.Capture();

Of course, depending on the position of this line of code in the main loop, the captured image won't be the same. It will capture the current contents of the screen at the time you call Capture.

Mixing with OpenGL

It is of course still possible to use custom OpenGL commands with a sf::RenderWindow, as you would do with a sf::Window. You can even mix SFML drawing commands and your own OpenGL ones. However, SFML doesn't preserve OpenGL states by default. If SFML messes up with your OpenGL states and you want it to take care of saving / resetting / restoring them, you have to call the PreserveOpenGLStates function :


Preserving OpenGL states is very CPU consuming and will degrade performances, use it only if you really need it. Also consider using your own code to manage the states you need to preserve, as it will be more efficient than the generic SFML code which takes care of every state, even the ones you don't care about.


There's not much more to say about render windows. They just act like base windows, adding some features to allow easy 2D rendering. More features will be explained in the next tutorials, begining with sprite rendering.