Documentation de SFML 1.6

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sf::Shape Member List

This is the complete list of members for sf::Shape, including all inherited members.

AddPoint(float X, float Y, const Color &Col=Color(255, 255, 255), const Color &OutlineCol=Color(0, 0, 0))sf::Shape
AddPoint(const Vector2f &Position, const Color &Col=Color(255, 255, 255), const Color &OutlineCol=Color(0, 0, 0))sf::Shape
Circle(float X, float Y, float Radius, const Color &Col, float Outline=0.f, const Color &OutlineCol=sf::Color(0, 0, 0))sf::Shapestatic
Circle(const Vector2f &Center, float Radius, const Color &Col, float Outline=0.f, const Color &OutlineCol=sf::Color(0, 0, 0))sf::Shapestatic
Drawable(const Vector2f &Position=Vector2f(0, 0), const Vector2f &Scale=Vector2f(1, 1), float Rotation=0.f, const Color &Col=Color(255, 255, 255, 255))sf::Drawable
EnableFill(bool Enable)sf::Shape
EnableOutline(bool Enable)sf::Shape
GetBlendMode() const sf::Drawable
GetCenter() const sf::Drawable
GetColor() const sf::Drawable
GetInverseMatrix() const sf::Drawableprotected
GetMatrix() const sf::Drawableprotected
GetNbPoints() const sf::Shape
GetOutlineWidth() const sf::Shape
GetPointColor(unsigned int Index) const sf::Shape
GetPointOutlineColor(unsigned int Index) const sf::Shape
GetPointPosition(unsigned int Index) const sf::Shape
GetPosition() const sf::Drawable
GetRotation() const sf::Drawable
GetScale() const sf::Drawable
Line(float P1X, float P1Y, float P2X, float P2Y, float Thickness, const Color &Col, float Outline=0.f, const Color &OutlineCol=sf::Color(0, 0, 0))sf::Shapestatic
Line(const Vector2f &P1, const Vector2f &P2, float Thickness, const Color &Col, float Outline=0.f, const Color &OutlineCol=sf::Color(0, 0, 0))sf::Shapestatic
Move(float OffsetX, float OffsetY)sf::Drawable
Move(const Vector2f &Offset)sf::Drawable
Rectangle(float P1X, float P1Y, float P2X, float P2Y, const Color &Col, float Outline=0.f, const Color &OutlineCol=sf::Color(0, 0, 0))sf::Shapestatic
Rectangle(const Vector2f &P1, const Vector2f &P2, const Color &Col, float Outline=0.f, const Color &OutlineCol=sf::Color(0, 0, 0))sf::Shapestatic
Render(RenderTarget &Target) const sf::Shapeprotectedvirtual
Rotate(float Angle)sf::Drawable
Scale(float FactorX, float FactorY)sf::Drawable
Scale(const Vector2f &Factor)sf::Drawable
SetBlendMode(Blend::Mode Mode)sf::Drawable
SetCenter(float CenterX, float CenterY)sf::Drawable
SetCenter(const Vector2f &Center)sf::Drawable
SetColor(const Color &Col)sf::Drawable
SetOutlineWidth(float Width)sf::Shape
SetPointColor(unsigned int Index, const Color &Col)sf::Shape
SetPointOutlineColor(unsigned int Index, const Color &OutlineCol)sf::Shape
SetPointPosition(unsigned int Index, const Vector2f &Position)sf::Shape
SetPointPosition(unsigned int Index, float X, float Y)sf::Shape
SetPosition(float X, float Y)sf::Drawable
SetPosition(const Vector2f &Position)sf::Drawable
SetRotation(float Rotation)sf::Drawable
SetScale(float ScaleX, float ScaleY)sf::Drawable
SetScale(const Vector2f &Scale)sf::Drawable
SetScaleX(float FactorX)sf::Drawable
SetScaleY(float FactorY)sf::Drawable
SetX(float X)sf::Drawable
SetY(float Y)sf::Drawable
TransformToGlobal(const sf::Vector2f &Point) const sf::Drawable
TransformToLocal(const sf::Vector2f &Point) const sf::Drawable